As everyone probably know and have tried, is the ASP.NET integrated paging system in the data sources, but it's not always it fits your solution. That's why i want to show you how i make simple data paging using query.
Getting data access
To start off we need to get access to the database, to do this i use LINQ by creating a .dbml file, within this example contains products from the sample database Northwind.
I'm creating a simple method to get the data out:
public static List<Product> GetProducts() { PagingDataContext db = new PagingDataContext(); return (from p in db.Products select p).ToList(); }
I will use the skip and take in linq to make the paging:
Create paging class
Now we need the class that can convert pageNumber and pageSize to skip and take, in my case I've made a Paging object that can contain the take, skip and totalPages integers:
public static Paging GetTakeAndSkip(int pageNumber, int pageSize) { int take = pageSize; int skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize; //(totalProducts / pageSize) int totalPages = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(decimal.Parse(ProductService.GetProducts().Count().ToString()) / decimal.Parse(pageSize.ToString())).ToString()); return new Paging(take, skip, totalPages); }
Putting it all together
This is just databound to a gridView to give you an example, and the page size is defined in the query. You can make a drobdownlist or so to handle how many to be displayed, but that's not made in this example:
int pageNumber; int pageSize; Paging pagingItem; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Request the queries, to make it more secure //put IsNullOrEmpty and tryParse arround. pageNumber = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["page"]); pageSize = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["size"]); //Requesting the Method in the paging class pagingItem = Paging.GetTakeAndSkip(pageNumber, pageSize); //This keeps track of the number and size LitPagePlace.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", pageNumber, pagingItem.TotalPages); //Using the skip and take on our method to get products GridProducts.DataSource = ProductService.GetProducts().Skip(pagingItem.Skip).Take(pagingItem.Take); GridProducts.DataBind(); } protected void LinkNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //This will make it stop paging, //when the last page is reached if (pagingItem.TotalPages > pageNumber) { //replacing and redirecting to the next page Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl.Replace(string.Format("page={0}", pageNumber), string.Format("page={0}", pageNumber + 1))); } } protected void LinkPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //This will make it stop paging, //when the first page is reached if (1 < pageNumber) { //replacing and redirecting to the previous page Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl.Replace(string.Format("page={0}", pageNumber), string.Format("page={0}", pageNumber - 1))); } }
This article is really good for all newbie here. 1337x